Frequently Asked Questions

Q: So how exactly does it work?
A: See about page for step-by-step guide.

Q: Do I need to pay or provide any deposit to book my rental?
A: No. All I need to book your dates is your name, contact information, and reasonable certainty that you will show-up. Should your plans change, I kindly ask to let me know ASAP

Q: How do I know that my item will be available?
A: Booking calendar takes care of that. If any dates within your booking interval are not available, it will not let you book. I also double-check all dates before I get back to you to with a final confirmation.

Q: What are your typical pick-up and drop-off times?
A: Usual times are after-work on weekdays (approx 6:30 – 10PM) and mornings over the weekend (approx 8 – 11am). Exact time is always arranged with you.

Q: How can I be sure that I get my deposit back?
A: Deposit amount is set to match the market value of your rental item. In other words, deposit amount is not too high an not too low. So it’s both in mine and in your best interest to return the item and the deposit, thus keeping good relationship. I provide a deposit note in writing, if so desired.

Q: Do you accept credit card deposits?
A: Few customers asked for it, but it’s too expensive to do at the current volume. Definitely something I consider for the future. Mean time, you are welcome to send deposit via Interac e-transfer instead of cash.

Q: What is the condition of your items?
A: Rental gear is in fully functional and good cosmetic condition. Since items are rented out regularly, them may show signs of wear and tear. It’s my priority that your rental is worry-free, so the gear is replaced from time to time.